Cherokee Fall Rod Run | Cherokee, NC

How will Cherokee affect you?


Cherokee Fall Rod Run

Friday, October 13 from 7:00 am to Saturday, October 14 at 4:00 pm

Come join us at the best growing show in the Smokies with special guest, Big Daddy Don Garlits! He is bringing up one of the Swamp Rats for some nitro burning cackles!

Spectators are free, Pre-Registration is $35 until October 3rd and at the gate price is $40. See hundreds of Classics, Muscle, Kustoms, and Rat Rod on the beautiful Harrahs Casino property. Vendors to shop and eat with, Valve Cover racing on Saturday, Cruises on Thursday and Friday. Thousands in Cash prizes, and new for Fall 23, T-Buckets Project giveaway!

Visit our event page on Facebook to RSVP.


777 Casino Drive
Cherokee, NC 28719

Contact: Cherokee Rodders
Phone: 828.226.6853

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